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"Kristin came with excellent command of both technical and tactical aspects of marketing... it is a pleasure to recommend Kristin for a position of high responsibility."

~Robert Allen, former managing partner and CMO D u n n  C a r n e y  A l l e n  H i g g i n s  &  T o n g u e  L L P

In two-and-half years I parlayed a 12-week entry-level contract into a full-time job, replacing the retiring marketing director of one of Portland's top 10 law firms.

In 2015, I was given 2-weeks to develop branding for the firm's agricultural law practice. Unable to outsource the work, given the tight deadline, I came up with the branding over the weekend, brought it in on Monday, and the team loved it. The logo incorporates the different sectors of the firm's agricultural law practice and some of the largest contributors to Oregon's agricultural business.

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